School in Warm River began in 1909, possibly in the log barn owned by Lorin Walker. One early picture and memory of Dallas Howell confirms this. But soon after the cast stone schoolhouse was built on the flat halfway up the dugway owned by Charles Oakland Walker and later Henry Reimann. This school had a basement and one large classroom on the ground floor. A bell hung in the belfry which summoned the students. The school served for many community events.
Normally two teachers taught anywhere from 27 to 45 students in grades 1 - 8. Upon entering high school, kids in the outlying areas would rent an apartment in town or stay with relatives in Ashton to attend the higher grades. A complete roster of teachers is available at the Ashton Archives and is too long to list here.
The rock school mysteriously burned down the summer of 1939. It was speculated if it was arson, but nothing was ever proven. The stone was salvaged and the Reimann family used it to build a barn now located at the Walter Reimann farm, south of the Pineview Cemetery east of Ashton.
In 1940 a new two-room framed schoolhouse was built at the top of the hill just north of the Dave Howell residence on land purchased from Henry Reimann. School Board Trustee Ralph Hossner, quite a large man, was helping install a swing set for the children when Reimann became quite animate about being paid for the previous years summer following of the soil where the schoolhouse set. A heated argument ensued and Ralph ended up hitting Henry side of the head with the shovel, knocking him to the ground. Henry took the matter to court and Ralph was convicted of battery. The school board gladly paid the fine.
School was held in the new schoolhouse until 1943 when Fremont County consolidated all the small school districts. Bus routes were established and in 1948 and the school district moved the Warm River schoolhouse to Macks Inn where it was settled on a foundation west of the LDS Church where it became a school site for youngsters in that area.